About Sector
This sector is considered to be one of the most important sectors in the Group which play a vital role to support and provide the recent studies and researches to other sectors in the Group.
In addition, the training and rehabilitation program for all members of the Group are made under this sector where they can find all skills, capabilities, and knowledge that they need for best performance.
In this sector, there are qualified and experienced in order to assure the best productions and services.
Preparing geometric studies and researches and providing consultant services .
Setting up studies for development projects economically and socially .
Preparing and execution of several training and rehabilitation program and producing exhibitions, conferences, seminars and courses in all related fields .
Elements of sector :
* Studies Unit
Geometric designs .
Planning and organizing .
Feasibility studies .
* Researches Unit
Analyzing proposed projects .
Information systems .
Automated system .
* Rehabilitation Unit
Evaluate and consent applicants .
Training employees .
Rehabilitation and self improvement .
Pictures from a study of establishment
of Sana’a Tourist Tower