About Sector

C.P.S. Sector is considered to be an important integral part of our Group structure due to its vital role of supplying our projects with their constructive materials' requirements such as ready-mix concrete, building blocks &stones, paving tiles, sand and aggregate.

In addition, C.P.S. supply our projets with architectual products i.e.doors, windows, stair-guard rails, security gates &fences in different materials (wooden, steel, aluminum). Moreover, C.P.S.
offers scaffolding, concrete forming and shoring services on conctracting basis and/or equipment rental basis.

C.P.S. sector is totally independent (financially & administratively), therefore, it is not only serving our own projects but also serves local construction companies and contractors.


The sector consists of the following divisions :
  1. Concrete block, interlock and paving tiles production division .
  2. Ready-mix concrete production division .
  3. Scaffolding &concrete forming division .
  4. Aluminum, steel &wooden fabrication complex .
  5. Basic building materials production division (sand and aggregate).
  6. Masonry, and marble production division .


  1. Establishing a bigger steel fabrication facilities.
  2. Establishing a bigger marble &granite production facilities.
  3. Establishing a glass sheets production plant .
  4. Establishing a cement production plant .

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